Blockchain technology can save lots of costs and time for real estate operations.
Starting from Searching for property, knowing the cost, site visit availability, middleman fees, square footage, the image of the property and many more tasks are affiliated with the real estate segment.
Blockchain technology can help to create a ledger of transactions records of all the buyers and sellers of the property. So, a person can find the previous owners of the house easily and get all the documents ready.
Moreover, It aids in diminishing the middle man cost known as agent’s fees. Blockchain technology enables to diminish all the third parties affiliated with the transactions. It is a peer to peer network where a person can directly contact the owner and discuss the deal.
Blockchain is a transparent and secured form of transaction where property owners can easily furnish their information and execute the contract without interference from a third party.
Blockchain in the real estate lifecycle will soon adopt its faster pace and digitize every requirement.
Technologies such as Blockchain and AI show tremendous digital dimensions in the real estate sector. Reported by Grant Thornton Bharat.
Check our detailed blog on Blockchain in the Real estate sector. Click Here
Author Name : Kiran Sagar